Our classmate, Wanda Price Payne, upon receipt of the 55th Reunion cancellation notice, suggested we think about trying to do a ”reunion” via Zoom.
I will be happy to work on a plan for a virtual event if there is any interest among classmates. All it will cost is you signing into Zoom on your computer, tablet or phone. (I will not work on a plan until I hear the desire of the class.)
Please RSVP yes or no, no later than August 29, indicating you would participate.
Enjoy, make suggestions, tell other Manualites...come back often to see our progress.
We and the Spring Fling team are planning a simple gathering of gratitude, hence, we are branding it “A Grateful Gathering.” Look how far the LORD has brought us...’through many dangers, toils and snares,’ we have been blessed to reach an age we couldn't even imagine on May 28, 1965. Many who started out with us didn't get to see 70, but by God’s grace, we are still here! The Spring Fling body voted to hold this reunion to celebrate this awesome blessing!
You can expect registration information to follow in a few weeks. Check our website for information and updates! mths1965.com
We are so happy to welcome you to our city!
Edward ”Drop” Marshall, Host
Frankye A. Sourie Johnson, Hostess